In prep. Pluractional numerals in Seri are distributive
In prep. A description of verbal pluractionality in Seri (with Patricia Cabredo Hofherr).
In prep. Cross-categorial distributivity in Seri (with Matthew Baerman and Carolyn O'Meara)
In prep. Adaptive analogy in Word-and-Paradigm morphology (with Matthew Baerman and Helen Sims Williams)
In prep. Pluractionality and frequentativity (with Robert Henderson)
Accepted. A sketch of Karata (Nakh-Daghestanian) in The
Caucasian Languages. An International Handbook. Volume 2. Mouton de Gruyter. HSK Series. Edited by Koryakov and Maisak.
2023. Quantification at A
Distance and Grammatical Illusions (with Brian Dillon and Lyn Frazier ). Syntax.
2022. Dependent
pluractionality in Piipaash (Yuman) (with Robert Henderson and John Powell ). In Proceedings of Sinn und
Bedeutung, 26, 396--412.
2022. Two types of pluractionality in Seri (with
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr). In Proceedings of SULA 11.
2022. Distributivity in Seri verbs and nouns as cross-categorial
pluractionality (with Matthew Baerman and Carolyn O'Meara). In Proceedings of NELS 52 .
2022. Semantic elicitation in the field: on
managing data and conducting sessions. Semantic Fieldwork Methods, 4(1).
2022. Evaluación preliminar de la vitalidad de la
lengua cmiique iitom (seri) (with Carolyn O'Meara and Debora Perales). Verbum et Lingua.
2021. A unique
operator for verbal pluractionality and numeral distributivity . In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 25 .
2021. El juego del círculo, un juego seri tradicional [The circle game, a traditional Seri game] (with Debora Perales). Tlalocan.
2020. Polar response particles as
remnants of ellipsis . Glossa.
2020. French polar response
particles and neg movement . Natural Language Semantics.
2020. Adverbial responses to quantified
utterances. In Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller, and Juliane Schwab (eds.) Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24 .
2020. Using semantics to probe paradigm structure: the
case of multiple event marking in Seri (with Patricia Cabredo Hofherr). Lingue e Linguaggio, 19(1), 35-60.
2018. Event plurality in Seri (with Patricia Cabredo-Hofherr and
Carolyn O'Meara). In Proceedings of SULA 10, 1-15.
2018. Phonological degrees of labiality. Language , 94(4),
2018. For an overt movement analysis of comparison at a
distance in French . In Selected Proceedings of Going Romance 29.
2017. A preliminary investigation of the formation of
wh-questions in Karata (Nakh-Daghestanian) (with Rashidat Khalidova). In Proceedings of the 2017 LSA annual meeting .
2016. Two scope ambiguities in support of overt quantifier
movement in European French . In Proceedings of NELS 46.
2011. Непространственные употребления показателей пространственных падежей в каратинском языке . [Non-spatial uses of spatial cases in Karata] In Proceedings of Андийские языки среди
языков народов Дагестана, Makhachkala.